
Everyday our team is doing amazing things for our clients, coworker, carriers and community. This space recognizes a few of those people.

Submit a recognition
Alissa Breeggemann - Recognition - Jul 24, 24

Alissa Breeggemann

Alissa and Kelly have been nothing but great to me since moving cubes! Whenever I have questions or need to pick someone else's brain they are always available. They never make me feel silly for asking a simple question - they push me to think more critically. They are both GREAT coworkers and team players!

Kelly Preston - Recognition - Jul 24, 24

Kelly Preston

Alissa and Kelly have been nothing but great to me since moving cubes! Whenever I have questions or need to pick someone else's brain they are always available. They never make me feel silly for asking a simple question - they push me to think more critically. They are both GREAT coworkers and team players!

Grace Bromenschenkel - Recognition - Jul 24, 24

Grace Bromenschenkel

I wanted to take a moment to give a huge shout-out to Grace at our Monticello office. Grace has continuously impressed me with her positive attitude and eagerness to help. Her kindness and dedication to ensuring everything runs smoothly at the front desk make a world of difference. Thank you, Grace, for always going above and beyond. Your outstanding work and cheerful spirit are truly appreciated by everyone. We are so lucky to have you on our team!

Derek Heaton - Recognition - Jul 23, 24

Derek Heaton

I was working from the Monticello office one afternoon when a client came in to meet with Derek. This client was clearly unhappy with the service that they have received from another broker, and that carried into their meeting with Derek. Derek was able to confidently, kindly, and professionally put the client's mind at ease with our offerings and his calm demeanor. He let the client know that they were of utmost importance and that he would take care of them like he would his own family. I was incredibly impressed with his patience and willingness to work through all of the questions and concerns that the client had.

Shelby Gierdal

In a day where many are afraid to pick up the phone, I wanted to acknowledge how how amazing Shelby is on the phone with her clients.  She actively listens and responds to their questions, providing them the answers or guidance they need - with a professional and friendly manner.

Mady Sheets

A quick shout-out to Mady, who plans and executes so many of our events at CG. Her creativity and thoughtful planning always consider the needs of both in-person and remote employees. Mady's positivity and enthusiasm for her work are truly inspiring. She is an incredible asset to our organization, consistently impressing me with her willingness to innovate and create exciting new experiences for everyone at CG.

Amanda Vagle - Recognition - Jun 19, 24

Amanda Vagle

Amanda shouldered a lot of the responsibility for our legal seminar. Whether it was coordinating with the legal team, CG team, or considering client needs, Amanda was responsive, calm, positive and thorough. The event went off without a hitch, due in large part to Amanda's hard work and dedication. Thank you!

Christine Andrews - Recognition - Jun 18, 24

Christine Andrews

Chris is just wonderful to work with! I was out of the office a few weeks ago with sick kiddos and had an emergency risk that needed resolution same day. Chris handled everything for me and got it quoted with several carriers and bound same day. She helped me out in such a big way, just as she always does for everyone on the team. Cannot do this without you, Chris!

Jocelyn Liska - Recognition - Jun 13, 24

Jocelyn Liska

Jocelyn was a HUGE help to me today! She offered to split the workload of a large, complicated project. Without her, I wouldn't have been able to complete this by the deadline. I am beyond grateful for the fact that despite her busy workload she is always willing to help me out. She truly puts the T in teamwork and makes my day-to-day job go so much smoother!

Sean Kurtenbach - Recognition - May 3, 24

Sean Kurtenbach

Sean is just terrific! Always happy to help and amazing at what he knows and does. He's great for those of us (me!) who aren't "techy". Just an all around great guy. The world needs more of him!

Cam Traetow - Recognition - May 2, 24

Cam Traetow


Your continued growth and progress in both your professional and personal endeavors have been truly remarkable to witness.

Your dedication, hard work, and perseverance serve as an inspiration to everyone around you. It's been a privilege to see you evolve and excel in your role!

Coming full circle when our client recently sent the below note - it encompasses all of our company and team goals. Thanks for everything you do, Cam - I'm proud of you!

"Awesome, thank you so much Cam! Really appreciate the excellent service we've received so far from you all! Really takes a load off our mind to know that though we're a small team here, we have a great resource in you all to handle the insurance side of things. :)  "

Kate Ergen - Recognition - May 2, 24

Kate Ergen

It's truly impressive how Kate has seamlessly integrated into the team and made significant contributions from the get-go. Her hard work and positive attitude have already made a noticeable impact, and I have no doubt that she'll continue continue to excel.

Thank you for all you bring to our team! We're lucky to have you on board, and I'm excited to continuing witnessing all of your great success!

Alissa Breeggemann - Recognition - Apr 29, 24

Alissa Breeggemann

Alissa has been an absolute rockstar! Always keeping up with tasks and prioritizing what needs to be done to complete everything in a timely manner. She steps up when people are out of the office or anyone has backlog without ever complaining. Thank you for all you do!

Julie Kack - Recognition - Apr 29, 24

Julie Kack

Julie helped our team out when we were in a pickle with one of our larger clients. It was an extremely tall task to move a risky class of business out of their current Work Comp program to a new carrier in such a short amount of time. Julie knocked it out of the park in every aspect! All her knowledge and relationships built with carriers was invaluable in the process. Thank you for your help!!!

Amanda Vagle - Recognition - Apr 3, 24

Amanda Vagle

Amanda has been incredible to work with. Our team was in need of a marketing overhaul, and I can't sing her praises loud enough. Amanda saw the vision, owned the creation of deliverables and brought everything together in a timely manner. She is always very responsive and organized. Her work is driving new business for us and we are so grateful. Thank you Amanda!

Abbey Johnson - Recognition - Mar 29, 24

Abbey Johnson

I forwarded an email I received from AmTrust to Abbey regarding them no longer using a our shared login to do business on their website. Abbey was quick to contact AmTrust and start setting us all up with our own login information. She was on it! The transition had been smooth. Abbey does so much for the entire agency and we appreciate her! Thanks Abbey!!

Kristina Schmitz - Recognition - Mar 27, 24

Kristina Schmitz

Kristina is my backup when I am out of the office. I was recently on vacation and to say that Kristina was bombarded while I was out is an understatement. We recently wrote a new account and while I was out I think there were at least 50 emails from the client on various COI requests/issues. And this was just for one account - there were many other requests that came her way from other accounts. How she kept up with the numerous requests that came her way from my desk and working on her own desk is beyond me. She must have super powers! "Thank you" does not seem to be enough, but THANK YOU Kristina!

Heather Joerg - Recognition - Mar 27, 24

Heather Joerg

Heather was a huge help while I was recently on vacation. Heather helped my primary backup with some items as well as being the primary backup for the accounts I have with a specific producer. She stepped in and helped out on many items and even offered to continue to help on these items even though I have returned from vacation. We are very fortunate to have colleagues like Heather on our team. Thank you Heather!

Hanna Barr - Recognition - Mar 25, 24

Hanna Barr

A note from one of our clients:

"I needed to begin the process of applying for Medicare, along with choosing a supplemental medical and drug plan. Hanna was so patient as she explained the process, and followed up once I was approved for Medicare and helped me complete the enrollment. She also added Megan to help with my current coverage! Megan helped me with submitting all of my paperwork. We have had the Christensen Group help us with insurance coverage for many years....and have had wonderful service from all of the staff. 

Thank you! You guys rock!"

Megan Pelowski - Recognition - Mar 25, 24

Megan Pelowski

A note from one of our clients:

"I needed to begin the process of applying for Medicare, along with choosing a supplemental medical and drug plan. Hanna was so patient as she explained the process, and followed up once I was approved for Medicare and helped me complete the enrollment. She also added Megan to help with my current coverage!
Megan helped me with submitting all of my paperwork.
We have had the Christensen Group help us with insurance coverage for many years....and have had wonderful service from all of the staff. 

Thank you! You guys rock!"

Pam Warnke - Recognition - Mar 18, 24

Pam Warnke

I wanted to thank Pam for her help! I had an insured who kept calling while I was away from my desk. Pam was able to step in and take the call and help the insured with their request. I appreciate you, Pam!

Matt Warren - Recognition - Mar 18, 24

Matt Warren

Matt Warren is such a valuable member of our team. His ability to manage the technical and emotional elements of claims for our customers is best-in-class. He's willing to go the extra distance to get the ball across the line all while keeping a cool and professional approach. Thanks for all you do everyday!

Hal Balfour - Recognition - Mar 15, 24

Hal Balfour

Hal in IT is fantastic to work with, and his presence on the CG team is truly appreciated. With his speed and approachability, he proves to be the master of quick project turnarounds. Hal's efficiency and seamless collaboration make him a gem to work with!

Matt Warren - Recognition - Mar 6, 24

Matt Warren

Coming into CG from Foster White, we had always taken care of our own claims, it has been awesome to have help and more knowledge in that department. From just asking a question to setting up small to complicated claims, Matt has been a Rock! He is so thorough and so quick in getting claims set up. I just wanted Him and the whole CG team to know we appreciate him! Teamwork!

Sara Ehlen - Recognition - Mar 5, 24

Sara Ehlen

Sara has been so helpful to me as I am learning the marketing side of things. She is always willing to answer my questions and provide her insight/opinion on markets, coverages etc. She is so knowledgeable and I truly appreciate her guidance and expertise as I continue to learn. Thanks for being the best, Sara!

Julie Kack - Recognition - Mar 1, 24

Julie Kack

Julie Kack is a ROCKSATR!! Need I say more? When the Marketing Department has been short staffed, Julie has stepped up and taken on anything that comes her way. She holds down the fort and gets the job done! And she does it all with a positive attitude! He knowledge continues to amaze me everyday.

Laura Wilde - Recognition - Feb 28, 24

Laura Wilde

I want to acknowledge the unsung hero of the office, Laura Wilde! Managing the front desk (and a lot more) with a smile and great attitude, she also stepped up to help Kyle and me with a project that needed to be turned around very quickly. She did it fast and accurately and I really appreciate it. Stepping up to help in ways that are outside her normal scope of work, and doing it all with a great attitude - thank you Laura!

Meghan Kimmerle - Recognition - Feb 23, 24

Meghan Kimmerle

Meghan has been so helpful in helping our team stay caught up during this transitionary period for our team and it has not gone unnoticed. Whether its taking COIs off our plates or helping rate up new business prospects, she is always willing to take on more work to help our team stay up to speed during this busy time. Thanks for all you do Meghan!

David Berning - Recognition - Feb 14, 24

David Berning

Big shout out and thanks to David Berning for being an amazing teammate! I very much appreciate David jumping to help me during our enrollment season. David never showed any hesitation although, this added to his already full plate! David always displays a tremendous amount of kindness and wiliness, lucky to be his teammate! Thank you David! 

Sarina Khariwala - Recognition - Feb 13, 24

Sarina Khariwala

Thank you Sarina for working so hard to create the CG Reporting portal within CG Connect! I love this tool so much! Now that we don't need to sign into VPN and then RDS to run documents from AMS Control, we have saved a lot of time and are able to be more efficient. Pulling the documents is easy and you made the process very user friendly. I know you put in many hours to create this for us. WE APPRECIATE ALL YOU DO!

Laura Wilde - Recognition - Jan 31, 24

Laura Wilde

Laura created the awesome Valentine's Day invitation for the Culture & Wellness committee quickly, accurately and exactly as asked.

Thank you so much for your help!

Sara Ehlen - Recognition - Jan 19, 24

Sara Ehlen

Thank you to Sara for her quick and creative marketing ideas. She was able to point me in the right direction on a unique risk and it helped us win the business. Thanks Sara for all you do!

Jenna Ness - Recognition - Jan 18, 24

Jenna Ness

Jenna is always down to help out and is a great team player! She reached out to offer help while a team member was out and to take things off my plate. Thank you Jenna!!!

Linda Jackson - Recognition - Jan 11, 24

Linda Jackson

We had an insured that was added to client connect to issue certificates themselves. Linda jumped on our teams call and gave the insured a step by step tutorial on how to work the portal. I really appreciated it and I am sure the insured did as well!

Ashley Kellerman - Recognition - Jan 9, 24

Ashley Kellerman

Since day one, I have only received patience and kindness from Ashley. She is very knowledgeable in what she does. At the same time very humble. I appreciate all the help you have given me thus far, Ashley. Thank you!

Matt Razidlo - Recognition - Jan 9, 24

Matt Razidlo

Matt has been absolutely incredible and a huge help to the team - especially in these last 2 weeks! He is very quick to respond, works through things in a timely manner, and is thorough in what he does. He also takes major issues seriously, and works to get resolved same day. All of this has been done without a single complaint. Keep up the great work, Matt! Thanks for all you do!

Kyle Simmons - Recognition - Dec 12, 23

Kyle Simmons

Kyle does so much to not only help support the entire organization, but also makes everything fun. There have been several occasions over the past two years where finding Easter Eggs on the website, handling the Christenmas Trivia, or even a fun gif after submitting an expense report has brightened my day. It is a reminder not to take myself too seriously and enjoy those little moments. Thanks for everything you do, Kyle!

Becca Rockwell - Recognition - Dec 8, 23

Becca Rockwell

One of my challenging tasks on my way to success here at CG has been building out Salesforce into WIsconsin. I have a large import for a vertical that we are focusing on, and I was looking to get it loaded and save a TON of manual entry. Becca got it done quickly and efficiently saving me a ton of time and effort! THANK YOU!

Kyle Simmons - Recognition - Dec 8, 23

Kyle Simmons

I have been building Salesforce for success here in Wisconsin, and it can be a time consuming process. I tried to do some imports but I needed help. In stepped Kyle and Becca and they got it done! BRAVO!!!

Abbey Johnson - Recognition - Dec 8, 23

Abbey Johnson

Abbey has been absolutely awesome in getting all my contracts/carriers/licenses all the "stuff"I need to be a functioning insurance person! She has been on top of everything! Thanks Abbey!!

Hanna Barr - Recognition - Dec 6, 23

Hanna Barr

Hanna provided great service to a client. “Hanna was terrific. She was so knowledgeable and helpful.”

Nice job Hanna! Thanks.

Alex Moreno - Recognition - Dec 6, 23

Alex Moreno

“I am getting such great service from your agency. Alex Moreno has done a great job for us.”

Good going Alex! Thanks.

Ashley Kellerman - Recognition - Dec 6, 23

Ashley Kellerman

Who is more helpful than Ashley Kellerman. She is the best! She solves every ipad, and iphone problem I have. I nominate her for MVP!!

Thanks so much for always helping me Ashley!

Tom Broback - Recognition - Dec 1, 23

Tom Broback

A heartfelt appreciation goes out to Tom, who has dedicated the past two years to the charity committee as its chair. His hard work has been indispensable to the team, and his commitment has left a lasting impact on both the company and the community we strive to support. Tom’s passion for philanthropy and commitment to making a difference have inspired us all. Thank you Tom!

Angelia Roe - Recognition - Dec 1, 23

Angelia Roe

Our client was thrilled to finally receive a claims settlement check from a third party after 6 weeks of back and forth. Angelia was instrumental in communicating not only with the client but the person who was at fault in the accident's insurance company to get this resolved. Thank you Angelia for all of your help and professionalism. It's situations like these that secure relationships for years. Thank you!

Hanna Barr - Recognition - Nov 9, 23

Hanna Barr

Got the following email from a client that met with Hanna:

We with Hanna Barr today and she was awesome. Smart. Personable. We loved her.
Just saying she exceeded our expectations.

Sean Kurtenbach - Recognition - Oct 26, 23

Sean Kurtenbach

Sean assisted me with a certificate of insurance project. I was swamped and Sean stepped in and helped me out. Such a lifesaver! Thank you so much Sean!

Meghan Kimmerle - Recognition - Oct 26, 23

Meghan Kimmerle

Meghan assisted me with a certificate of insurance project. I was swamped and Meghan stepped in and helped me out. Such a lifesaver! Thank you so much Meghan!

Lillian Rivera - Recognition - Oct 25, 23

Lillian Rivera

I was a part of the Worksmart Online training yesterday, and Lillian was training everyone. She has quite the talent when it comes to being PATIENT, keeping everyone on task and demonstrating the program extremely well. I wanted to give her KUDOS. Lillian does such a great job at her normal Sr. CA position, but on top of ALL of that work, she helps the trainees progress, and she trains like a complete professional. Great job to Lillian.  

Matt Razidlo - Recognition - Oct 19, 23

Matt Razidlo

Sometimes you just need to recognize people for being total ROCKSTARS and tell them they are so appreciated!!! Thank you Matt for making my week out of the office, a little bit easier!!! You're the best!

Matt Razidlo - Recognition - Oct 19, 23

Matt Razidlo

Sometimes you just need to recognize people for being total ROCKSTARS and tell them they are so appreciated!!! Thank you Matt for making my week out of the office, a little bit easier!!! You're the best!

Krista Gilles

With the unique book of business our team has, it brings a variety of complicated billing scenarios. Often times spending countless hours reviewing billing items together - between calls and emails. Throughout our collaboration, I have been continually impressed by Krista's professionalism, expertise, and unwavering work ethic. Her ability to tackle challenges and consistently delivering high-quality results has been instrumental in our shared team success. Thank you for everything you do - you are a true asset to CG!

Matt Warren

I know Matt is no stranger to the Recognitions page, but I just had to give him kudos. He is lightning fast at reporting claims and is always willing to reach out to clients directly to offer claims advice. He is so good at his job and he has no idea just how much we on the service teams appreciate him!

Hal Balfour

The New Ulm office recently experienced an extreme delay when working in AMS & Worksmart. We contacted IT and Hal started working on it. Hal spent hours on the phone with Vertafore and other vendors trying to diagnose the issue. It ended up being our internet provider's, upstream provider and because of Hal's persistence with them to get a ticket started and get this resolved made all the difference! We are now able to use AMS & Worksmart again! We know this process was long and very frustrating for all involved but Hal did a awesome job! Thanks Hal for getting us going again, we really appreciate it!!

Christine Andrews

Chris is a great team player and a trusted colleague!  I was out of the office at CE for 2 days when one of my important clients emailed to get Home Insurance for his daughter who was closing on a property in 2 days in Wash DC.  (Fyi, 2 days is generally not enough time to place most risks in the HNW market these days.) Chris dropped everything, jumped right in, took the info, quoted and made it through a multitude of hoops for the Underwriter to get this placed for me while I was out.  Thank you, Chris! You're the best!

Deb Byrne

Deb has been very helpful the last few months. My book consists of lots of Certs and I am able to hand some over to her and she is so efficient. She also is very thorough and catches all the items that may need to be endorsed. Such a relief to have a little help in that department. Thanks Deb! You are awesome!

Brooke Collier

Brooke is a wonderful colleague! She is a team player, very detail oriented and is willing to take on tedious tasks without hesitation. I appreciate her work ethic and positivity. Thankful for all that she does.

Jenna Ness

Jenna is a gem! She is always the first person to volunteer for a project, even when timing is very tight. She has a positive attitude and completes tasks in a quick manner. Thankful for her help!

Alicia Williams

Working with Alicia is an absolute delight. She addresses all my HR inquiries promptly and thoroughly, without ever making me feel uncomfortable for asking even the simplest questions. She has excellent organizational skills and has an approachable manner, making her a pleasure to work with. I value and am grateful for everything she contributes to our company.

Abbey Johnson

Abbey expedited the processing of a license and did it all with no direction or input needed.

Talk about execution! Thank you so much for your initiative, resourcefulness, thoroughness and positivity. You are a joy to work with!

Amy Courtright

Amy has been such a blessing on our team. Recently she took charge and led a meeting for a new client when I was unable to attend. Not only did she excel, but the owner of the company said it was the best benefits meeting he has ever been to. Kudos, Amy!

Jenn Wendorff

Jenn has only been with Christensen Group for just over a year. She has been an amazing addition to the Private Client team and has been very ambitious in continuing to educate herself regarding all things personal lines insurance. So ambitious, she obtained her CISR designation in less than six months. Congratulations Jenn ! The entire team is proud of you.

Abbey Johnson

Working with Abbey has been an absolute delight. Her eagerness to assist and ability to efficiently handle many projects have truly impressed me. Her proficiency in multiple areas has made her a valuable addition to the CG Team, and we're lucky to have her at CG.

Matt Warren

Matt is a saint!!
He helps me so much through difficult claims and delivers top notch service to my clients and keeps me in the loop the whole way!
He has no idea how much that means to me!!
Thank you for all you do, Matt!

Stacy Bury

Stacy does a very good job with Training and Development. I communicated with her that there were some items/areas that I wanted to learn more on. She immediately started working with me on those items and spent the time walking through them and explaining her thought process on the various items/areas. Stacy already has a lot on her plate, so her taking the time to help me continue to learn, is very much appreciated! Thank you Stacy!

Emily Goering

Shout out to Emily Goering who does such a great job supporting the marketing team as well as other teams!! Her work gets done so efficiently and promptly that it is truly remarkable. I especially appreciate her willingness to learn new things and navigate unchartered waters. She always has a great attitude and willing to help! Hats off to Emily for being a rock star at supporting us!

Gail Oldakowski

Shout out to Gail who does a fabulous job supporting the marketing team and leading Emily in training for marketing support! Gail has a fabulous eye for details and making sure all of our apps are done exactly right; without her, we would not have consistency!! Gail, we appreciate your passion in making our team strong and all you do for us! Thank you!

Cam Traetow

I want express my sincere appreciation for Cam and Sarah. Their dedication, willingness to learn with a positive attitude, attention to detail (I could list 10 other things!) never go unnoticed. I’m so proud of both of you and your tremendous amount of growth in a short period of time.
I have no doubt that your continued contributions have made a significant impact on the entire team and CG as a whole. Your dedication sets an excellent example for all of us, and I feel grateful to have you as a colleague and friend.
Keep up the fantastic work!

Sherree Rifenberick

Sherree was so gracious and kind and really step in and helped me last week with a few things. She is so thorough, organized, and efficient.  I really appreciated her willingness to help. Thank you, Sherree! 

Sean Kurtenbach

Sean is an amazing team player. Ever since he has joined CG, he has always been willing to pitch in and learn new things. He has great communication skills and relays information in such a way that is easy to understand. He has been a HUGE help for me and I am so pleased to have him on our team!

Sarah Kaster

Sarah is a creative problem solver! That has never been more on display as when she helps a client sort out their billing versus enrollment discrepancies. She is working with a client now on errors that go back a number of years. Sarah approaches the problem with patience, attention to detail, and support for the client. She is a valuable asset to Christensen Group and our team!

Heather Joerg

I had the opportunity recently to see Heather handle a situation with grace and dignity. She is a ROCKSTAR at keeping her cool and not letting on that things aren't great. I enjoy every second I get to work with Heather! Thank you for teaching me patience!!! :-)

Sam Doocy

Sam has played a pivotal role in transitioning our CG Store purchases to the payroll system, and we sincerely value his contributions in this area. We appreciate his dedicated efforts to continuously improve the system, and we are impressed by his organizational skills and keen attention to detail.

Matt Warren

Matt always is so quick to respond and I appreciate that so much! He is helpful MORE THAN HE KNOWS and I wanted to make sure everyone knew how awesome he is!

Amanda Vagle

For our Legislative Update event in EP, Amanda was A++. Not only did she manage all ticketing and communication with the 750+ registrations - but she also stayed on top of the little logistics that make an event go smooth. She rolled up her sleeves and did everything necessary to make sure the attendees, speakers and CG team had a great experience. Even better, despite all the stress and pressure, she always had a great attitude and was a pleasure to work with! Thank you Amanda for being such a valuable member of the team!

Laura Wilde

Laura embodies the spirit and attitude of a great CG employee. In addition to being extremely organized and thorough, she is always willing to help - even if the task falls outside of her typical job. For our recent Legislative Update event she took care of many of the items that make an event feel professional and well thought through. She never let's things slip through the cracks, which reduces much of the mental load from her teammates. She is a pleasure to work with and I really appreciate having her on the team!

Kristine Marek

Even with a very heavy work load and hectic family life Kristine has recently completed her CPRIA designation. Way to go Kristine - you're team is proud of your accomplishment.

Gail Bloxham

Gail went above and beyond by walking me through how to import a cert holder list for a client into eForms. Not only do I really appreciate her patience while walking me through the steps, but also her willingness to help out. Learning this will be a real time saver in the future. Thank you Gail!

Linda Jackson

Recently I had a account we had to write all with RT. At the last minute our client decided they needed financing. I submitted a ticket and within the hour Linda had my finance agreement done and back to me. Then just a day later our client was having problems getting the down-payment done online, she jumped right into a 3 way call and walked him thru it.

But this is not all: we have not done many finance agreements since we have been with CG, so she screen shared and walked me through the billing side as well.

Thank you Linda!!

Alex Moreno

A friend of mine and personal lines client went out of his way to tell me what a great job Alex has done for them in a tough market.

Thanks Alex!

Ben Fahning

A friend pulled me aside to tell me what Ben had done for his company. Facing a situation of no coverage and a big medical bill Ben got involved and found coverage for a family on the group plan.

it saved the family financially.

A sad story that ended well, because of Ben.

Nice going.

Lillian Rivera

Lillian helps out even when she doesn't need to, and I can't thank her enough. She is my go to for random things all the time and I appreciate her so much!!! Thank you Lillian for always being a rock star and helping out your team!

Emily Goering

Emily has been a huge help to our CL service team with setting up new submissions and rating accounts online with our carriers. Thanks so much, we appreciate the help!

Kristina Schmitz

Kristina received a renewal quote for one of our clients late Friday afternoon of Easter weekend. The proposal was scheduled for Monday morning at 9 am, and I needed the proposal by 8 am. She said she would get it done and with no complaints she had it sent over to me completed at 11 pm on Easter Sunday. This is not the first time she has gone ahead and done something like this. She is willing to do whatever it takes to serve our clients, and is a tremendous asset to CG. We are lucky to have her!

Laura Wilde

Laura is always eager to help and makes my days at the Eden Prairie office more enjoyable. She is very helpful and fast in her tasks. Her attention to detail and organization skills ensure that everything at the front desk runs smoothly. She is a valuable member of our team, and I appreciate her hard work and dedication.

Ashton Sabatino

Ashton has been a huge help to me since we started working together, even more so recently. She was more than willing to step in and assist with several items, no questions asked. She has done an incredible job and I couldn't have gotten through last week and this week without her help!

Sherree Rifenberick

Sherree was more than willing to step in and help last week and this week with several items and has been so quick and efficient about everything! I am so grateful for her help and couldn't have gotten through this week/last week without her help along with a few others!

Meghan Sharpe

Meghan has been an incredible support and leader! She is willing to step in and help whenever and wherever she can. Recently she saw a struggle I was having and immediately found a solution. I appreciate her willingness to listen, understand and act on things without hesitation!

Barb Michaels

Barb has been a big help and support since I started at CG. Over the last couple of months she took on some extra work while I was on PTO and has continued to help out. I wouldn't have been able to accomplish as much as I have without her training and support! She is a wealth of knowledge in so many areas and truly cares about the work she does and her co-workers!

Amanda Kimmerle

Our CST team(Linda, Lillian, Katie, Amanda, Matt, Brittany and Luke) have spent time preparing training material, resources and onboarding plans  for use with our newest team members.  These training materials and resources will significantly reduce training hours and make the onboarding process much easier for the new CGers.   Hats off to this group for their dedication to our training program!

Matt Pinewski

Our CST team(Linda, Lillian, Katie, Amanda, Matt, Brittany and Luke) have spent time preparing training material, resources and onboarding plans  for use with our newest team members.  These training materials and resources will significantly reduce training hours and make the onboarding process much easier for the new CGers.   Hats off to this group for their dedication to our training program!

Lillian Rivera

Our CST team(Linda, Lillian, Katie, Amanda, Matt, Brittany and Luke) have spent time preparing training material, resources and onboarding plans  for use with our newest team members.  These training materials and resources will significantly reduce training hours and make the onboarding process much easier for the new CGers.   Hats off to this group for their dedication to our training program!

Katie Randolph

Our CST team(Linda, Lillian, Katie, Amanda, Matt, Brittany and Luke) have spent time preparing training material, resources and onboarding plans  for use with our newest team members.  These training materials and resources will significantly reduce training hours and make the onboarding process much easier for the new CGers.   Hats off to this group for their dedication to our training program!

Brittany Ratke

Our CST team(Linda, Lillian, Katie, Amanda, Matt, Brittany and Luke) have spent time preparing training material, resources and onboarding plans  for use with our newest team members.  These training materials and resources will significantly reduce training hours and make the onboarding process much easier for the new CGers.   Hats off to this group for their dedication to our training program!

Luke Olson

Our CST team(Linda, Lillian, Katie, Amanda, Matt, Brittany and Luke) have spent time preparing training material, resources and onboarding plans  for use with our newest team members.  These training materials and resources will significantly reduce training hours and make the onboarding process much easier for the new CGers.   Hats off to this group for their dedication to our training program!

Linda Jackson

Our CST team(Linda, Lillian, Katie, Amanda, Matt, Brittany and Luke) have spent time preparing training material, resources and onboarding plans  for use with our newest team members.  These training materials and resources will significantly reduce training hours and make the onboarding process much easier for the new CGers.   Hats off to this group for their dedication to our training program!

Brittany Ratke

Recently I had a last minute Account that needed Premium financing. I sent it to Brittany and not only was she sick with Covid, she still took the time to get it done and had it back to me in matter of a few minutes. I think this goes well above and beyond the day to day. What a great asset to this company Brittany! Thank you!

Abbey Johnson

I am so impressed with Abbey's speed, patience, eagerness to help, and her follow-up! She promptly replies to emails and requests for all of the licensing, appointments, logins, etc. She deals with multiple kinds of requests so efficiently and with kindness. I'm so grateful to have her as a go-to for all of this!

Ginny Hosley

Ginny has been challenged with the task of trying to find insurance coverage for an existing client that is building an extremely large home.  She has gone to exhaustive lengths to research all markets and options available for this client.  While it has taken a village to get this one secured, Ginny has show great professionalism and partnership with her co-workers throughout this difficult process.

Jenna Ness

She is always so helpful and never will say no to helping out! Absolute team player! What a Gem to work for CG!