Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The DEI committee is focused on diversity, equity and inclusion issues at CG. We work together to create policies and programs that promote a more inclusive culture. We may also collaborate with external consultants or experts to provide training or guidance on best practices.

Committee Members
Tom Broback
Tom Broback
Eden Prairie
Maggie Folkestad
Maggie Folkestad
Eden Prairie
Katy Mullin
Katy Mullin
Eden Prairie
Sam Olinger
Sam Olinger
Eden Prairie
Robyn Selby
Robyn Selby
Eden Prairie
Mady Sheets
Mady Sheets
Eden Prairie
Amanda Vagle
Amanda Vagle
Yarden Wolfe
Yarden Wolfe
Eden Prairie

DEI Resource - OVERCOME Anxiety, Stress & Negativity with Indigenous Knowledge

April 19, 2023

Tuesday, April 25th at 7pm EST. FREE workshop to help you feel more confident CONNECTING, HEALING, and GROWING with Indigenous culture.

This workshop is a MUST attend if
You often suffer from imposter syndrome with your Indigenous heritage, feeling detached, and misrepresented of who you really are.
You’re an ally of Indigenous peoples, seeking to listen, learn, and build connections in a respectful way that values and honors the all
You want to connect with others who are on the same journey as you to build supportive relationships based on positivity, inclusion, and like-minded values.

Sign up here: https://malloryrose.mykajabi.com/workshop

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DEI Resources

April 5, 2023

Thank you all who attended the Power of Awareness Based Leadership & Decision Making sessions this week. Ramon Pastrano did a great job facilitating the event.
There is still time for anyone to join the April 10th virtual session. Encourage others who are on the fence to join for the last session.
I’d like to hear your feedback and suggestions for future topics. Please fill out this feedback survey. Your input will help shape future leadership and DEI courses we bring to the team.
Unconscious Bias Workshop resources and references:
Six Photographers
Blind Spots
**IAT – Why/how it was created. **
**IAT Assessment: **https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/
Peanut Butter, Jelly & Racism
Google: Making the Unconscious Conscious
**Trusted 10 Exercise: How diverse is your trusted network of people?: **https://tomorrowtodayglobal.com/2019/03/05/whose-in-your-top-ten/

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DEI Progress Update

March 29, 2023

An update on our progress towards the 3 focus areas outlined in our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) roadmap. As you may recall, these three focus areas were created through hearing employees’ ideas during Listening Sessions in 2020. The roadmap was developed to guide our efforts towards creating a move diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace.

Over the past few months, our Diversity Task Force has been hard at work defining next steps and implementing initiatives outlined in the roadmap. We have made significant strides in areas such as:

Have a more diverse candidate slate and hire the best, qualified candidates.

  • Designed a program for Women Interested in Sales. Hosted an overview session on International Women’s Day.
  • Created a Job Shadow Policy to host individuals interested in learning about a career in insurance. Why did we decide this was a good next step? You can read more on the DEI Page.
  • Reached out to 7 community colleges and universities career centers for a partnership.
  • Posting entry level jobs at 19 universities and community colleges, increasing our outreach by more than 50%.

Have an inclusive culture.

  • Hosted 5 CG Women’s Network events. Next event, April 5, Roundtable Event.
  • Added a cultural floating holiday to our company holidays.
  • Added pronouns (optional) to our signature templates.
  • Providing (optional) Unconscious Bias training for all employees, April 2023. Event Calendar.

** **
Next, we will focus on defining next steps in our third focus area: **Give back to organizations that support our diverse communities. **We encourage you to share ideas or suggestions directly with the Diversity Task Force or through this feedback channel.

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