Green Committee Looking Ahead at 2025
January 7-9: Tech Recycling is back! This will be the only Tech Recycling event for 2025, so make sure to bring in your old tech. More details to come, but we WILL be allowing small appliances once again. March 18: Backyard Composting Lunch & Learn! Join us in the EP Event Center or virtually to learn from Kira Berglund, Hennepin County’s Composting & Recycling Specialist, all about composting in your own backyard. While some information will be county specific, you do not need to live in Hennepin county to join and much of the information will be a general overview of composting. April 22: Earth Day! Join the Green Committee for a nature walk and end with some hot chocolate back at the EP office to warm up.
May - Date TBD: ESOP Garden Happy Hour! Our annual event returns in 2025. Come help the Green Committee ready the garden beds for our ESOP Garden and enjoys some refreshments while you’re at it! Fall - Date TBD: Tree Planting returns! Meet the Green Committee at Dodge Nature Center in West St. Paul for lunch and two hours of tree planting.
CG Garden Update
The CG garden update you've all been waiting for: The Green Committee and other employees have been busy this summer, diligently watering, nurturing, and harvesting a variety of vegetables.
With a well-organized watering schedule, their efforts have truly paid off, and we couldn't be happier with the bounty they've shared with the office. This season, we've had great success with jalapeños, zucchini, tomatoes, kale, and cucumbers. We even had a few unexpected visitors, including a sleepy frog and a grumpy turtle.
Green Committee: June Tech Recycling
Thank you to all that participated in the June Tech Recycling Event in Eden Prairie.